1/13/2024 Did you know?

Before Chief Little Turtle was involved in the signing of The Treaty of Greene Ville (so named by General Anthony Wayne for his fallen friend and fellow soldier Major General Nathaniel Greene) in Darke County, Greenville Ohio. Chief Little Turtle roamed much of western Ohio in opposition to the European occupation of the Ohio Valley. Chief Little Turtle (Mihšihkinaahkwa) also led many Miami (Myaamiaki) and joint Nation raids to attempt, in any way, to keep European settlers south of the Ohio River. Although some tactics that Chief Little Turtle employed during these raids were brutal, the brutality occurred from both European settlers and Native American Nations, and so formed the Northwest rebellion known as the Northwest Confederacy.

The Northwest Confederacy joined many Chiefs and War Chiefs that included, Buckongahelas, Egushawa, Blue Jacket, Little Otter, and Little Turtle, in what would become known as Little Turtle's War or the Northwest Indian War. A small part of Little Turtle's war involved conflict in Preble County.

Chief Little Turtle attempted to organize a raid near Fort Hamilton, late in the year 1792. General James Wilkinson, in a raid along the Eel River in August of 1791, Chief Little Turtle’s daughter was among the 34 women and children captured. After this, Little Turtle approached the Native American Grand Council seeking guidance and acceptance of his desire to strike at the most central and important European settlement of western Ohio at the time, which was Fort Hamilton. Fort Hamilton was strategically invaluable in forwarding provisions, soldiers, and livestock in the effort for European settlers to procure land in the Ohio Valley. On the 3rd of November, Chief Little Turtle led a force of 200 Miami and Shawnee past Fort Jefferson and Fort St. Clair and reached Fort Hamilton. Little Turtle intended to attack a settlement on the anniversary of St. Clair's Defeat. Two soldiers outside of Fort Hamilton were taken prisoner and Little Turtle and his men learned that a large convoy of pack horses had left for Fort Jefferson, and was due back in a matter of days. Still elated by the defeat of General St. Clair in November of 1791, Chief Little Turtle, was informed that the convoy of nearly 100 pack horses loaded with supplies for two military posts was being escorted by a company of 100 Kentucky riflemen. The soldiers performed their camp duties that included, meals, tending to their horses, and exercising before retiring on the evening of November 5th. On Monday, November 6th,1792, Chief Little Turtle and his men ambushed Major John Adair and his convoy that had camped at Fort St. Clair, 200 yards east of the post, just before daybreak. 

- Jeff Poynter, PCHS Board Trustee

3/16/2024- PCHS Spring Trivia Night

Congratulations to our 2024 Spring Trivia WINNERS!!!!!!! 🍀 🍀🍀🍀

 3/20/24 PCHS awarded Grant!

We are excited to announce that we were awarded the America-250 Grant through Ohio Humanities to help promote our local history while celebrating America's 250th Birthday on July 4th of 2026. The "Buckeye" Grant was awarded to PCHS to support three projects. One, a timeline of the last 250 years in and around Preble County. Two- completing 25 local historical plaques symbolizing the rich heritage we have here and Three- a map of those 25 places to share with the community and beyond. The America-250 "Preble-250" committee has been formed and they have begun to gather research. We will post updates over the next 2 years through the planning process. 

 4/7/24-PCHS Host Annual Falcon Show

How could you not LOVE this amazing program!!?? Thanks to everyone involved into making this program successful!

 4/9/24- Chester's Grand Disguise!

Chester decided to try a disguise.  He wanted a yummy treat in return though.

“In the jungle the mighty jungle, Chester the Lion sleeps tonight.”

 4/19/24 - PCHS at the Bussiness Expo 

A wonderful day at the Preble County Chamber EXPO! Thank you to our amazing helpers Paytin and Wendy for doing such a great job sharing all of the amazing things at PCHS! 

 4/26/24- New Wildflower polinator Garden!

A very special thank you to Darke Rural Electric for the generous donation to plant a beautiful wildflower pollinator garden for our bees and other wildlife. Thank you to BJ Price and his son for helping us prep and plant this morning! We cannot wait to witness the progress.  

 5/19/24 PCHS Bug Jam

And this years KIDS CHOICE AWARD—  goes to HOT WHEELS! Kids voted on this amazing entry! Very cool! 😎 

 5/27/2024 Veterans invited to ride in the 1922 Washington for Memorial Day Parade

A fantastic day at the Eaton Memorial Day Parade with the 1922 Washington. This year— we escorted 2 veterans. Thank you Randy & Lori for your service to our country. 

 5/29/24 Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations Class of 2024! Check out this Lanier High School senior banner from 1919! The school was, and still is, located on 503, but is no longer in use. 

- Brittany Corwin, Director of History & Collections 

7/8/2024- land of the free- fireworks event.


There are simply no words. What a PERFECT way to end a very long week of fun and fireworks! Thank you to the entire community for not only supporting us tonight but also everyone who attended West Alexandria’s, Hueston Woods and Lake Lakengren’s!!!! We are so lucky to have 4 AWESOME places in Preble County to celebrate our FREEDOM! Thank you all for coming! We hope you had the best time. 

7/23/2024- Aukermans creek Restoration project 

Today was a huge win for us here at PCHS as we received a Huge grant to restore Aukermans Creek. The grant will go towards help making the streams cleaner and to help the eroding stream bank. Thank you to H20 organization for you generous grant!

 7/30/2024-The Farm Boys tour

Today the 2024 Farm Boys stopped by this evening! We enjoyed hosting this stop and hope to see them again in 2025!